OK this is all new to me but I'll give it my best shot. You see my wonderful wife Kathleen has gone to Italy to visit with her sister, brother-in- law and brand new nephew Gabriel. I am home with our seven great kids for two weeks and I'm short on vacation (thanks to our three week summer vacation and our annual "take the week off between Christmas and New Years" plans). Kathleen has encouraged me to use this blog so she can keep up with events here. For those of you that are just visiting feel free to tag along also; if you can keep up that is. (sound of crickets chirping...) So I set forth on this "adventure" with a digital camera, two laptops (one flamingo pink), seven kids, two birds, a cat and two jobs (one of which pays in cash and the other in memories and hugs).
Background. This beautiful lady shown below is my fabulous bride. She is the reason our household runs with any semblance of order. For those of you that saw the home tour on Kathleen's blog and got the 0.5 second glance of my office desk can see that organization is not my strong point. Fortunately Kathleen is exceptionally good at organizing and planning. Without her planning and the kindness of "the girls" this wouldn't be as "easy" as it is.
I hate suspense so I'll start by saying Kathleen has safely arrived in Catania, Italy. Thanks to all of you that kept her in your prayers. Our Father in heaven does hear and respond to the prayers of His children as Kathleen arrived without the migraine she usually gets when she goes without sleep. Kathleen had a Sunday night flight so we said goodbye to the children and left for the airport. We made it through ticketing and baggage check quick quickly and were able to spend nearly 30 precious minutes holding each other on a bench outside security. At last we had to say goodbye and I watched her as she moved down the escalator and out of sight. I can still see those beautiful smiles as she looked back over her shoulder and smiled my way...
Upon my arrival home I went in to check on the little ones who were already tucked in bed for the night. I checked on Sam first and noticed a piece of paper on top of his face. I went to pull it away when I noticed it was a picture of Kathleen and myself. Kaitlin had printed one out for each of the kids and they all took them to bed with them. I couldn't help but be moved by Sam keeping his picture so close to him. It wasn't until I went to say good night to Nathaniel that I learned Sam was asleep by the time Kaitlin had printed out the pictures and Than had placed the picture Sam's face. It was still cute though...
In the morning I received the message I had been praying all night for; a text from my bride telling me she had arrived safely in London and made the transfer between Heathrow and Gatwick successfully. She was in a French Cafe at the airport having tea said her message. Borrowing an idea from Hope I quickly brewed a pot a coffee that we could have together. I then did one better and we did our Bible study together but thousands of miles apart. One by one the kids rolled into the kitchen and before long we had a quorum to begin breakfast. Brianna read aloud a note from Mama's note to the children and Sam scrambled to find the bag of goodies. The children all tore open their sacks and enjoy a sweet snack after breakfast. The remainder of the morning was circle time, outdoor fun (the weather was overcast but warm), pepper picking and playing and a little wood carrying.
Mama and Pa having coffee
Ellie with her Treat
We returned to the kitchen for lunch and I found an IM (Imitation Mama) in my chair. For more information on IM you'll have to check out Nana's blog as that is her story. During lunch I set my laptop on the table and everyone got to watch a Webex of some new products my company is developing. Notice I said watch and not listen; no use even attempting the sound over a lunch time roar. I did this because Aedan was feeling a little down this AM and I told him that we could do my conference call together.
After lunch came nap, chores and school for "the girls" and work for myself. I knocked off a little early to help the boys finish stockpiling wood outside the back door. Rain is in the forecast and I thought the exercise would do us all some good. We also did a little tidying up outside. We returned inside to find IM again in the kitchen but this time with a cookbook open. I wonder what she was cooking?
Then came clean up Bible study class for Kaitlin and myself. Brianna had everyone at the dinner table when we left so all was under control. Kaitlin and myself stopped by Starbucks for some much needed caffeine and a cookie. Their cookies have no high fructose corn syrup after all. Class went quite well and Brother Yates finished his lectures on Acts and reminded us of the test next week. Plenty of time to study...
After class Kaitlin and I ran to Home Depot to get a tarp to cover the new wood before the rain. Unfortunately Home Depot now closes at 9 pm so we ended up going to dinner at Outback and then a trip to SuperWalmart. Who says her Pa can't show her a good time.
That has been day one of this adventure. Hopefully tomorrow will be even better. I miss my wife but am glad to know she is in God's protective hands.
Chili's Art

Emma and Ellie outside
Yeah! I get to be the first to post. Di and Ben's internet has been down so I could not get to you until now. I love what you have going on here! It sounds like everyone is doing great and things are going smoothly. Your header is adorable and I LOVE the name... very fitting. As I type I am uploading pictures for you. I am so sorry that I could not get them to you sooner. Look in a while for news of my travels over at my blog. And I went to Nana's page but didn't see IM... tell her she better get on it:) LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you and want to say that I can't imagine all those years you tried to tell me you weren't a writer. I think you have a fabulous project going. Can't wait to see what happens next.
ReplyDeleteLove to all my little kitties.
Chili Pepper
Enjoy the journey, faithful Pa! Try to keep the chaos to a minimum and soon your bride will be home!
ReplyDeleteBlessings, andrea
Good Morning~
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post you have here, Allen. I feel privileged to be able to read what’s going on at the Wachters while mama is away. And I even get to see a bit of Kat! It is fitting that she was the first to comment.
The picture idea for all the little ones is precious, and so is the picture. I love that photo of you two. What blessed children.
It is a delight to read your thoughts, Allen. And I am looking forward to reading about IM over at Nana’s blog.
See you all!
P.S. Bill was very impressed with this quote:
ReplyDelete"Putting kids to bed, is like herding cats. -Art"
And I have to say that I think of it each bedtime here.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHey! KK didn't have caffeine!!!!!
Thanks for the Hot Chocolate though...
Hi Art,
ReplyDeleteI think that you write beautifully! I really enjoyed hearing about your last days with Kat and the kids and I have a feeling that each day you post will be equally the same. What a great way to keep all of us who know and love your family updated on your family while mom is away. :)
This is great. I'll love reading this while Kat's overseas.
ReplyDeleteYou go man! And you say you can't write. Mabey it has to do with the time it was when you wrote this...OR mabey it's just your ARTistic ability. I crack myself up.
ReplyDeleteI think you have done well for yourself in Kat's absence. You all have an amazing family and love how much you all work together. Your family is so lucky to have you and I look forward to reading more about what life is like while the Kat is gone.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Ok. I had to stop back. It was so great to see pictures of what you all are up to. I hope you got the emails I sent this morning and that all is continuing to go well.
Chili Pepper
By the way... I love Kat's play on words! I wish I had thought of it. I am going to pop over to my blog and change it right now. She is just full of great ideas.
And you know, there is something sexy about a man who is secure enough to use a flamingo pink laptop and blog about it... wink.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the two smallest cats? I miss Ellie and Sam!!
ReplyDeleteAunt Diann
Hey, Art~
ReplyDeleteI loved your post. You certainly do have a knack for blogging. I guess Kat's rubbing off on you!
It's great to hear that things are all running smoothly while mom is away. I know how how much of a relief that must be to her.
You have a beautiful family and are truly blessed!
Keep up the good work!
Hi Art,
ReplyDeleteThis is Kat's friend, Carol, over in England. I'm actually from Michigan, but live in the Manchester area.
I love how you and Kat are blogging together and sharing your beautiful family story. You are an inspiration. Your kids are beautiful and I am enjoying seeing how Pa is doing while Ma is away. If she wasn't an amazing wife and mother already, this time away will make her even better.
I look forward to reading more of the Wachter adventures.
Blessings to you,